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Not only does the presence of sharks maintain the health of our oceans, but the health of the whole planet.

So, considering this is a fight involving all of humanity, anyone can become involved, and every effort matters so much.

You don't have to have several degrees or years and years of education. All you have to do is care a little.

One of our goals is to demonstrate to every individual, no matter their background, that they can create a wave of change.

No action is considered insignificant, every action takes a step forward to a sustainable future. 

YOU can be a part of OUR dream.


By donating to the organizations listed below, you provide activists with an opportunity to expand either their research or their actions towards conservation. Every donation, no matter how small it may seem, is greatly appreciated as we push forward.


One of the best ways to support our action is by spreading, sharing, reposting our word. This way we can build a bigger following, reach more people, and deliver proper education. Relaying scientifically supported information is often more important than the research itself, because change can only occur if the public has knowledge. 


Fighting and pushing for what you believe in is essential to fashioning change. Regret often results in lack of action. If one does not fully embrace their beliefs, it makes it difficult to sell those beliefs to others. Change doesn't have to be overnight. Don't settle for less. Crave what's right. Be relentless.

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